• Autism Spectrum - Agape Christian Counseling Services St Louis MO

    Autism Spectrum (Asperger’s Syndrome, etc.)

    Children and adolescents on the Autism Spectrum can face difficulty in relationships and day-to-day life. For their caretaker(s), knowing how to relate to a child on the Autism Spectrum can feel confusing when it seems that he or she does not reciprocate emotion, joy, or interest. Adults oftentimes experience frustration, confusion, isolation and guilt. The children may have emotional and behavioral issues such as few peer relationships, rigidity in interests or daily activity, preoccupation with details, or even temper outbursts. Agape therapists are trained in helping children on the Autism Spectrum learn how to relate to others and cope with inflexibility, as well as sensory issues and anxiety triggers. The…

  • Attachment issues and Infant Adoption

    Attachment Issues and Infant Adoption

    By Kathy Petefish, LMSW, LCPC, BCBA, LBA How often have I heard those frustrating and sad words in the last 15 years that I have worked with children? At least a hundred, since working with children with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) has been in my wheelhouse for over a decade. These words are frustrating because they are very often not true. Just because a child is adopted as an infant does not mean they will not have difficulty with attachment issues. Foster and adoptive parents are set up for failure, confusion, and heartbreak when professionals, who do not have accurate information, tell them differently. These words are sad—very sad—because if…

  • What is Child Therapy Agape Counseling St Louis

    What Is Child Therapy and How Does It Work?

    By Carolyn Knarr, MSW, LCSW, Director of Children’s Therapeutic Services Our children are a heritage from the Lord (Psalm 127:3). They bring abundant joy, although, raising them is not without its challenges. Parents have a responsibility, not only to meet the physical needs of their children, but to also provide a safe haven that fosters emotional and psychological growth, and achieving that is no simple feat. Sometimes parents reach the point where they literally do not know the best way to help their children. That’s when bringing a trained professional into the picture may prove beneficial. Counseling for children? Yes. People are sometimes surprised at the idea of sending children…