• Technology and Your Kids Appropriate Boundaries

    Technology & Your Kids: How to Set Appropriate Boundaries

    by Carolyn Knarr, MSW, LCSW, Director of Children’s Therapeutic Services Technology is a reality which is not going to go away. It’s imperative to teach children to make good decisions about technology, limit the frequency of its usage, and keep access to appropriate and safe content. If parents see technology as the enemy, they will set themselves up for years of frustration and struggle with their children. Rather than viewing it as the devil incarnate, parents need to team up with their children and allow them to enjoy the benefits of technology without allowing it to take over their child’s life. Often the fear of technology comes from a parent’s…

  • Healthy Play Time for Developing Kids

    Healthy Play Time for Developing Kids

    By Carolyn Knarr, MSW, LCSW, Director of Children’s Therapeutic Services Having been a child therapist for some time, I am amazed by the lack of time children spend playing with toys today, compared to 10 years ago. When I ask my young clients what toys they have at home and like to play with, often the only answer is video games or other forms of technology. Many spend hardly any time at all playing with toys. I understand the appeal of technology, as it is more portable, less messy, and unfortunately, somewhat addicting, but the transition from toys to technology comes with a high price. Hands-on play benefits critical areas…

  • What is Child Therapy Agape Counseling St Louis

    What Is Child Therapy and How Does It Work?

    By Carolyn Knarr, MSW, LCSW, Director of Children’s Therapeutic Services Our children are a heritage from the Lord (Psalm 127:3). They bring abundant joy, although, raising them is not without its challenges. Parents have a responsibility, not only to meet the physical needs of their children, but to also provide a safe haven that fosters emotional and psychological growth, and achieving that is no simple feat. Sometimes parents reach the point where they literally do not know the best way to help their children. That’s when bringing a trained professional into the picture may prove beneficial. Counseling for children? Yes. People are sometimes surprised at the idea of sending children…

  • Get to the root of child anxiety

    Get to the Root of Your Child’s Anxiety

    By Elizabeth Nimmo, MA, LPC It is a common occurrence for most children to experience some level of fear or anxiety at one point or another during their childhood. Often, we characterize these as typical age-and-stage appropriate fears, such as a belief that monsters are under the bed or the requirement of a nightlight to fall asleep. On average, most children outgrow such fears, and they simply become a platform  for parents to convey love and care while children are developing necessary emotional and cognitive skills. However, some children’s fears grow from typical age-appropriate concerns into larger issues that are rooted in irrational beliefs. Such beliefs and fears often create…